The Tiny Parade

For years, dating back to when my mother-in-law was a young girl, the extended family went camping for the Fourth of July weekend.  It became one of the highlights of my year after my husband and I were married.  As the grandparents aged and the family continued to extend, it became more and more difficult to continue the tradition.  We moved the camping trip to April or early May–which is much more comfortable considering Texas weather.  The result became spending Independence Day at home and wanting a tradition of our own.  So, beginning about 12 years ago, Lauren and Allison asked the kids from down the street and the neighbors next door to do a parade.  Some of the other neighbors came and sat on their front lawns and we all watched as they rode bikes, lawnmowers and pulled wagons up and down the street several times.

We haven’t been home for the parade every year, but it has continued and has become our neighborhood tradition.  The kids worked hard decorating their “floats” this morning.  They were lined up and ready to go 15 minutes ahead of schedule.  The parade itself only lasted 10 minutes.  It brings joy to my heart to see everyone enjoying the celebration.  Such a simple thing to bring a community together.  One neighbor even commented that it was “better than the Arlington parade” noting that Arlington boasts of the largest parade in the state, but it also lacked excitement.  I guess bigger is not always better, even in Texas.

From our neighborhood to yours:


Happy Birthday, America!